Let I = intelligence
S = smartness
H = hard work
F = focus or concentration. Goal oriented
Given these parameters, surviving in this world or sustaining
Su = f (I, S, H,F)
Su = a* I + b * S + c * H + d * F;
Where a + b + c + d = 1;
it means when a man wants to survive in this world , which is the right proportion to survive. I assume in this blog surviving = sustaining.
Consider somebody says a, b, c, d, e are all equal for a man to lead survive in all conditions.
Su = 0.25 I + 0.25 S + 0.25 H + 0.25 F;
Let us define each parameter
Intelligent: - Intelligent, here referred as raw talent which means no prior trained mind to work on a problem .An intelligent person ,here can also be defined as a person who has bare minimum knowledge about the concept but he is brilliant enough to partially solve the problem based on some logical deduction and analytical mind.
Smartness: - Smartness , This is also referred as having good networking skills etc..If a problem is given to him , first he finds who are all the person he can contact and complete the work without working hard and without using his intelligence much.( Intelligence means Pure intelligence, Hard work means pure hard work because getting work done also need bit intelligence and bit hard work ) .(Some people define smartness as riding on others back :) )
Hard work: - Hard working person is referred as a person who are laborious. If a problem is given to him he sincerely starts working for hours and hours , finally completes using his little intelligence and smartness.
Focus: - Focused Person here referred to a person who concerns about the result. His focus is full of completion of work in time with minimum intelligence, smartness and hard work.
Readers can suggest and readers can give few more parameters and definitions.Even i would be happy if readers give the new definitions for what i consider as intelligent , hard work, smart and focus.